Tuesday September 12, 2023


          ALL PRESENT:  Commissioner Ostlund, Chair; Commissioners Morse and Jones; Board Clerk Teri Reitz.


          MINUTES – August 15, 2023, August 22, 2023 & August 29, 2023. Commissioner Morse made a MOTION to approve the Minutes, Commissioner Jones seconded. Passed Unanimous.

PUBLIC COMMENTS ON REGULAR, CONSENT AND FILED AGENDA ITEMS – Hearing no public comments Commissioner Ostlund continued the Board Meeting.

          METRAPARK – Fair Recap – General Manager, Stoney Field, gave a brief overview of the fair revenues and expenses. Assistant General Manager, Tim Goodridge, gave a brief overview of fair operations implemented for 2023. Marketing Director, Cody Reitz, gave a brief overview of show numbers and sponsorships.    

CLAIMS – Batches 24-029, 24-030, 24-031, 24-032. Commissioner Jones made a MOTION to approve the Claims, Commissioner Morse seconded.  Passed Unanimous. 

CONSENT AGENDA – 1.  CLERK AND RECORDER –  Plat of Seiffert Trust Subdivision and the S.I.A.    2.  FINANCE – A.) Semi-Annual Bond Review with Travelers Insurance.  B.)  Revise Existing Purchasing Policy – 23-100.  C.)  Bond for Lost Warrant.  D.)  MetraPark Request for Proposals for MontanaFair Entertainment Consultant.  E.)  Yellowstone County Final FY24 Budget – State Filing    3.  PLANNING –  A.)  Final Resolution 23-102 for Zone Change #717-705 Johnson Lane.  B.)  Final Resolution 23-103 for Zone Change #718-541 Woodland Road & 2422 Old Hardin Road.  4.  PUBLIC WORKS – Invitation for Bid for the 2024 RSID Crack and Chip Seal Project for the Public Works Department.  5.  YOUTH SERVICES – Therapeutic Mentoring in the 13th Judicial District Contract #PIF22-37.  6.  HUMAN RESOURCES – PERSONNEL ACTION REPORTS – Detention Facility – 4 Terminations.

          FILE ITEMS – 1.  AUDITOR – A.)  Payroll Audit August 16 to August 31, 2023.  2.  CLERK AND RECORDER – Board Minutes – County Water District of Billings Heights.  3.  COMMISSIONERS – Attorney General Request for Opinion Reply Letter.  4.  FINANCE – Substance Abuse Connect – Activity for 2023.  5.  HUMAN RESOURCES – August 15th through 31st Payroll Audit.  Commissioner Morse made a MOTION to approve the Consent Agenda and place the File Items to file, Commissioner Jones seconded.  Passed Unanimous. 

          PUBLIC COMMENTS ON COUNTY BUSINESS – Hearing no comments Commissioner Ostlund adjourned the meeting at 9:41 a.m.

APPROVE                                             ATTEST