Tuesday June 7, 2022


          ALL PRESENT:  County Attorney Scott Twito, Commissioner’s John Ostlund and Denis Pitman, Sheriff Mike Linder, Clerk and Recorder Jeff Martin, Auditor Scott Turner, Judge Carter, Citizens Oscar Heinrich and Billie Ruff, Finance Director Kevan Bryan.  Commissioner Jones is absent.

          Mr. Twito called the meeting to order and noted that this the second of two public hearings.  Mr. Twito stated that Mr. Kevan Bryan presented three proposals at the last meeting.  The proposals were for 3.5%, 4% and 4.5%, there was also proposals for the Justice of the Peace salaries.  It was also discussed that the auditor has been consolidated with the Clerk and Recorder’s office and so the compensation committee needs to add another elected official to the committee.  Mr. Twito noted that the committee must have 3 elected officials.  Mr. Twito stated that Treasurer Sherry Long and Clerk of District Court Terry Halpin expressed interest, he also noted that Judge Carter is here at the meeting.  There was also discussion how Sheriff Linder’s salary impacts the deputy’s salaries.  Mr. Kevan Bryan Finance Director noted that if the Sheriff gets 4% increase the deputies would get about .9% increase which would put them at 4.75% to 4.90%.  Mr. Twito noted that last year that the deputy salary’s percentage of the Sheriff’s salary changed.  There is statutory framework for how this works but essentially in a county of our size for deputies the percentage of the salary of the Sheriff’s Office moved from 72% to 95% of the Sheriff’s salary.  As you can see on the proposals that the sheriff’s longevity is calculated separately from any other longevity per statute, there is also other pay which is an amount specifically set in statute, $2,000.  That impact may affect future deputy negotiations, but it will not impact what we are doing now because we have always included the other pay in terms of percentage increases in deputies, so our calculations have always been correct.  Sheriff Linder stated that only effected by the statute is the Under Sheriff.  Mr. Twito stated for every .5% increase equals approximately $63,000.  Mr. Scott Turner, Auditor stated he made a motion last year and it could be considered this year regarding the longevity maximum that some of the elected officials receive which caps out at five years and trends along with the percentage increases should be frozen to save some money.  We are having a lot of price escalation with salaries as witnessed with previous discussions with the courthouse group and the inflations concerns that are going along.  Mr. Turner noted that he would be a proponent of freezing longevity, the base salary is linked to the deputies, but the longevity is not.  Mr. Jeff Martin, Clerk and Recorder asked if we just increased the base and froze the longevity it would not affect the deputies, salaries.  Mr. Turner said, yes. Mr. Turner stated he would like to freeze longevity for FY22. Mr. Oscar Heinrich asked legally can we freeze the longevity.  Mr. Twito stated yes, we can freeze longevity.  Commissioner Ostlund stated that freezing longevity is not going to fit into his motion.  Commissioner Ostlund made a MOTION to give the Elected Officials a 4% increase to base salary plus longevity this year, Mr. Heinrich seconded.  Mr. Heinrich stated we know how Commissioner Ostlund feels about this but how do you feel about this Commissioner Pitman?  Commissioner Pitman stated he agreed with Commissioner Ostlund, we have a set system that takes the politics out of it and made it consistent.  Mr. Twito took a vote on the motion, and it passed 7-1, Auditor Scott Turner voted against the 4% increase.  Mr. Twito stated that the Justice of the Peace increase needs to be discussed.  Currently the Justice of Peace are sitting at 77 ½% and the goal is to get them to 80%.  Commissioner Ostlund made a MOTION to increase the Justice of the Peace to 80%, Clerk and Recorder Jeff Martin seconded.  Passed Unanimous.  Auditor Mr. Scott Turner brought up the consolidation of the Auditor’s Office with the Clerk and Recorder’s Office and increasing the Clerk and Recorder’s base salary by 10%.  Commissioner Ostlund made a MOTION to increase the Clerk and Recorder’s base salary by 10% for the consolidation of the Auditor’s Office and the Clerk and Recorder’s Office, Commissioner Pitman seconded.  Passed Unanimous.  Judge Carter stated that he is interested in being on the compensation committee.  Mr. Oscar Heinrich made a MOTION to nominate Judge Carter for the open position on the Compensation Board, Commissioner Ostlund seconded.  Passe Unanimous. 

          PUBLIC COMMENTS – Hearing no comments Mr. Scott Twito adjourned the meeting at 10:28 a.m.

APPROVE                                             ATTEST